The Only Way Out is Through


In my experience, we have to sit through the discomfort and do the blocking and tackling to uncover the learning, growth, challenges and possibilities. Erasing a whole year on the 9th day is not only foolhardy and promotes living in the future. What about the day you were given today? What are you doing with it? And by the way, there is no right answer. You can do whatever you want with today. You can choose presence.

“There is only one time that is important – NOW! It is the most important time because it is the only time that we have any power.”
Leo Tolstoy

“I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.”
Albert Einstein

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.”

So how do we go about being present? What’s the simple, straightforward way?

1. Celebrate the wins. Corporate America is not great at this – we just move onto the next thing when we have a win. If you work hard on something and bring it to fruition, no matter what it is – it could be that you broke your leg and you were able to hobble crutchless to the bathroom and noted the strength in your leg. Take the minute to say to yourself or others “That was great.”

2. Notice what’s around you. Are you able to freeze frame for a minute and notice light coming in the window, a purr of a cat, traffic outside or rain hitting your window? Take a minute and take stock of what’s around you. I did a gratitude practice, begrudgingly, a few years ago and man, no joke, it was pretty transformational. No more complaining about insignificant things.

3. Mindfulness. Whatever works for you. Singing in the shower to release anything pent up, meditation, yoga, a slow walk, a run, taking a minute to notice if your breath is trapped like a bird in your chest and releasing it. We always think we need to do these things perfectly. I humbly disagree. If you take a five minute walk around the block, that’s a win.

4. Listen without responding. An oldie but a goodie. Just sit and listen to the other human. It’s amazing how much listening to someone can tell you, how it can make them feel, and how it can improve any type of interaction. Seeing the other person. Even if it’s the mail person telling you about their day, like ours does.

Net-net, increase your level of presence and awareness to your current experience. Go through the obstacle or thing that is making you nuts. Gain the experience and the learning.


Moth Breath: A Meditation


Burning the Veil: Day by Day